Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

My mother spent a small fortune on this so cute Captain Hook costume for Den'ja when we were at Disneyland. Thanks mom!

Maeson originally wanted to be Gabrielle from "High School Musical" I think the day after I ordered her costume online she changed her mind and wanted to be a Musketeer. Yes, a musketeer. She got this idea from watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers. I thought, "Oh No! How am I going to come up with a musketeer costume?" But I actually ended up having a fun time putting it all together and she looked adorable.

Here are both of them before heading out the door to one of our many Halloween parties.

Ever since returning from Disneyland Den'ja has been obsessed with a certain movie.

So of course when we were wandering the Target Halloween section and he saw this costume he had to have it. Halloween is too fun to have just one costume anyway, right? Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!

I'm told....

that you can draw much better if you actually get ON the table


Monday, October 5, 2009

Den'ja's new friends

He had to ask all of them questions, that unfortunately they could not answer. You know the whole not being able to speak and all. Den'ja: "You wearing your cowboy hat?" "You wearin your cowboy boots?" "You wearin your cowboy shirt?"

Den'ja: "George! Say Cheese!" "Are you a pirate?" "Are you coming with us?"

Den'ja: "Is this your house?"

We had so much fun!