Thursday, April 29, 2010

Play Ball!

Lately I have been so lucky! I get front row seats to an action packed game of baseball at least twice a week. The best part is that I don't even have to leave the house. See for yourself.

Oh, Canada

WAAAAYY back in February, Joe and I took a little trip to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics. We were able to spend a whole week there and see so many awesome things! I think I was cold before we even got there. I was so glad that I had made sure to pack my extra fat pants so that I could wear 4 layers underneath them.

Left a debit card in our coat pocket (and left the coat at home) (ME)
Lost a suitcase (Joes)
Were grateful for our GPS
Stayed in a little town outside of Vancouver called Squamish
Gorged ourselves on our favorite Canadian treats
Took public transit more then I think I ever have in my life
Met lots of nice people
Walked, and walked, and walked
Bought tickets from scalpers
Saw firsthand just how much them crazy Canadians love their hockey
Missed Den'ja like I couldn't believe
Got to see lots of Concerts
Payed way too much money for bottles of water and Olympic souviners
Saw team USA win their gold medal in bobsled
and had so much fun!