Friday, October 24, 2008

No Way!

So who can resist those cute little baby/toddler jammies? When last winter ended I went on a pajama binge to stock Den'ja up for this Winter. Not only were they on sale, but they were cute to boot! Since it's been getting colder I decided it was time to break out the warmer pjs. Out of the six pairs of pajamas I bought only one pair fits!! Blah! I shouldn't have assmed that because he was going to be 18 months, that he would actually fit into 18 months. So in trying to save money I think I will end up spending more instead. Boo Hoo. So here is Den'ja snoozing in the one pair that actually fits. He hasn't been feeling very well so I layed him on my bed while I went to clean the toys out of the tub. This is what I found when I came back. Poor little guy!


Aimee said...

Oh..poor little guy! I love pictures of sleeping babies. It is so sweet.

m@R(! said...

so sweet. you must wear him out! that picture makes me want to cuddle with him.

Megan Maughan said...

I know how that goes. I hope the little guy gets feeling better! He looks so cozy...makes me want to snuggle =)